March 29, 2018

Supporting Apparel Manufacturing Industry with AAPN Membership

by DeSL in News

AAPN apparel manufacturing industryDiscover e-Solutions Ltd. (DeSL) is excited to announce its recent membership to Americas Apparel Producers’ Network (AAPN).

The AAPN promotes doing business in the USA and the Americas as a more flexible, faster, safer sourcing model. Their philosophy is a simple one: conducting business with American manufacturers better aligns with today’s “fickle, hyper connected, want it my way consumer.”

AAPN believes that doing business in the USA and the Americas is easier, faster, safer, and just plain better. Sure, if you want to source huge quantities; and you know what will sell way in advance, and you are not worried about flexibility, and you just want cheap; then there are plenty of mega factories in the world that will take your orders. But if you are looking for a more flexible sourcing model, one that better aligns with today’s fickle, hyper connected, want it my way consumer, then you need to look to the Americas. AAPN is one of the best brands in the apparel manufacturing industry.

If your brand is similar to AAPN, and/or wants to partner with DeSL, go to DeSL’s Partner Program.


About AAPN

An international business network for the textile/apparel supply chain. Organized in 1981, AAPN is a private sector, non profit, members only, #1 apparel industry business network of over 600 company owners and senior executives from nearly 200 organizations across the supply chain organized industrially worldwide to produce apparel for the US market from North America, Mexico, Caribbean, Central America, South America, Europe, North Africa, South Asia, Southeast Asia, Asia, and China from our headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia, USA.